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Sound Direct Medicine’s mission is to provide comprehensive, quality health care to our clients that will enable them to live prosperous, productive lives filled full of the quality and quantity that they desire.

Doctor taking vital signs of young patient sitting on mothers lap.

Direct Primary

Care FAQ

What is Direct Primary Care?

Direct Primary Care (DPC) is an innovative healthcare model where physicians partner with their patients to provide primary care services under a flat, periodic membership fee. By moving outside of the administrative burdens of the traditional insurance-based billing system, DPC practices are able to provide a wide spectrum of care in a transparent, affordable manner. DPC practices—now a grassroots movement numbering over 1000 nationwide—are able to do this while offering patients a higher level of service, communication, and relationship, than what is often found in our dysfunctional healthcare system.

Philosophically, the model is intended to restore the patient-physician relationship without the intrusion of insurance companies. 

I am a young, healthy adult. Will joining a direct primary care practice benefit me? 

Yes! We are going to help you learn healthy habits and show you how to stay healthy your entire life.

What if I need to see a specialist or go to the hospital?

We will be there for you - SDM will help coordinate your care for both specialty services and hospital stays. 

How do I access my SDM medical records? 

All of your personal medical records will be securely retained within our EMR system, Atlas.MD. Upon joining our practice, we will provide you with the information to access your records.

What if I decide to cancel my membership? 

We will provide a 90-day extension of your membership while you seek out another primary care physician. Please contact our office to discuss cancellation and the transfer of your medical records to your new provider.

Do you accept health insurance? 

No, we do not accept health insurance. We charge a monthly membership fee that covers all of our in house services. Please sign up for our waitlist for full details!

Do I still need to pay my insurance premium?

SDM does not cover catastrophic care, however, there are other options that can help cover these costs including programs, like MediShare

Will Medicare cover my SDM membership fee? 

No, Medicare does not cover your SDM membership fee, however, the monthly membership fee is in the same ballpark of supplemental healthcare plans and covers more services in a timely fashion comprehensively. 

I am a Medicare beneficiary. Will joining a direct primary care practice benefit me? 

Yes, Absolutely! Direct primary care treats the whole person - not just the symptoms.

Direct Primary Care FAQ

Forest and Mountains valley scene
Nurse with red hair taking blood pressure reading from elderly patient.

We want to communicate with you and address your concerns

We are here to help you avoid the time, trouble, and expense of the ER. You have already paid for many services with your monthly fee!

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